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Crypto support

What is this feature?

This is an experimental feature adding crypto support to OWNER.

With Crypto it is possible to declare, with a simple annotation, that a property contains an encrypted value ( a value which has to be decrypted ). A @DecryptorClass can be specified for a class or for each property. @EncryptedValue(@DecryptorClass) overrides a @DecryptorClass specified at class level.

Which crypto frameworks are supported?

Crypto support allows the use of any framework to decrypt values. You must supply a class implementing the Decryptor interface, where you can use any framework you want in order to decrypt values.

How can I use it?

Suppose you will use the same @DecryptorClass to decrypt all values in your configuration:

@DecryptorClass( MyDecryptor1.class )
public interface Sample extends Config {

    public String myEncryptedPassword1();

    public String myEncryptedPassword2();

And now suppose that you will use different @DecryptorClass for the previous properties:

public interface Sample extends Config {

    @EncryptedValue( MyDecryptor1.class )
    public String myEncryptedPassword1();

    @EncryptedValue( MyDecryptor2.class )
    public String myEncryptedPassword2();

Or if you plan to use the same @DecryptorClass for all @EncryptedValue properties except myEncryptedPassword1:

@DecryptorClass( MyDecryptor2.class )
public interface Sample extends Config {

    @EncryptedValue( MyDecryptor1.class )
    public String myEncryptedPassword1();

    public String myEncryptedPassword2();

    public String myEncryptedPassword3();

It works with other annotations…

… so you can write code like this:

List<String> cryptoList();

Can you show me an example implementation of Decryptor?

This is the source code of, a no-op Decryptor returning the same value received for decrypting:

package org.aeonbits.owner.crypto;

public final class IdentityDecryptor
extends AbstractDecryptor {
    public String decrypt( String value ) {
        return value;

It extends AbstractDecryptor, an abstract class that already implements the Decrypt interface and one of its methods. To get our Decryptor working, we just have to implement the other method, decrypt( String value ) .

Another example is, which uses the javax.crypto features available in JDK.

package org.aeonbits.owner.crypto;

import java.util.Arrays;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;

public class StandardEncryptor extends AbstractEncryptor {
    private final String algorithm;
    private final String encoding;
    private final byte[] secretKey;
    private final int secretKeySize;

    public StandardEncryptor( String algorithm, String secretKey, String encoding, int secretKeySize ) {
        try {
            this.secretKeySize = secretKeySize;
            this.algorithm = algorithm;
            this.encoding = encoding;
            this.secretKey = secretKey.getBytes( encoding );
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException cause) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( cause.getMessage(), cause);

    public String getAlgorithm() {
        return this.algorithm;

    public String encrypt( String plainData ) {
        try {
            Key key = generateKey();
            Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance( this.algorithm );
            c.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
            byte[] encVal = c.doFinal( plainData.getBytes( this.encoding ) );
            String encryptedValue = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary( encVal );
            return encryptedValue;
        } catch ( Exception cause ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( cause.getMessage(), cause );

    public String decrypt(String encryptedData) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        try {
            Key key = generateKey();
            Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance( this.algorithm );
            c.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
            byte[] decodedValue = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary( encryptedData );
            byte[] decValue = c.doFinal(decodedValue);
            String decryptedValue = new String(decValue, this.encoding );
            return decryptedValue;
        } catch ( Exception cause ){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( cause.getMessage(), cause );

    private Key generateKey() throws Exception {
        return new SecretKeySpec( this.secretKey, this.getAlgorithm() );

    public static final StandardEncryptor newInstance( String algorithm, String secretKey ) {
        return newInstance( algorithm, secretKey, "UTF-8", secretKey.length() );

    public static final StandardEncryptor newInstance( String algorithm, String secretKey, String encoding, int secretKeySize ) {
        return new StandardEncryptor( algorithm, secretKey, encoding, secretKeySize );